Friday, December 26, 2008

Of Barns, and Babies

Out of my walks I've been noticing beautiful barns in the snow.

Somehow they are so much more beautiful surrounded by snow then on other days.

Some barns are still in use, and some are just a symbol of the farming days of the past.

But all remind me of Jesus who gave up the comforts of heaven came to be God with us and be born in a barn. These barns look so clean and tidy right now, but we all know what is in a barn. Living conditions in a barn would be unpleasant, at best. So why did Jesus choose such a lowly place? Most kings are too proud to associate with the most humble people on earth, but not Jesus, the King of the Universe. He comes out of love, to all who will welcome Him. Only the owner of a barn gave Jesus a place to stay 2000 years ago. Only the heavenly knew of his arrival. Only shephards and distant foreigners were listening close enough to know to go search Him out in a smelly, dark barn.

Often my heart has been as filthy as a barn, stuffed with selfishness and sin, with all the resulting woundedness and brokeness. Jesus, would you really be born there? You ask to come in? Yes, I gladly welcome you in and give you full control. Bring your peace-be-still to the chaos that swarms therein. Clean, remove, cover and whiten all that is impure. I'll have no other gods before you. There is room in the barn in my heart for you.

3 bouquets of wildflowers (Comment here):

La Tea Dah said...

A most beautiful place to live --- always and forever!


Not the Waltons said...

Elizabeth Joy! This is such a beautiful post! Thank you so much for taking the time to share it! I am really glad I stopped in to read such a wonderful reminder of Christ!


Leedra said...

The 3rd photograph is awesome!