Sunday, May 6, 2007

Attempting Something New

I'm experimenting with the idea of moving my blog to I'm still working with the template to see if I like the change. I am finding that blogger is much easier to work with then Though I have really enjoyed homeschoolblogger and glad they helped me get started blogging. I wouldn't have started as soon without them.

2 bouquets of wildflowers (Comment here):

Anonymous said...

Just seeing if it works! wink wink

I love your photographs. Someday I hope to get a digital camera to post some loverlies of my own. Without waiting for my film to develop...

Anonymous said...

more and more people in my friends list are leaving hsb. i have loved the community there too but i already have our family website that in the past i do not know i can use wordpress so i can blog from there when i did know i decided to work on just one, it's hard to maintain 2 blogs, what i did with my blog is even if the link says it's in hsb, what you are looking is actually my website in wordpress. so i was able to keep my hsb updated even if i work only in my wordpress blog. i love these flowers! i will update my links now. be blessed!